Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

This whole weekend was great, except for the fact that Keith had to work on Saturday. But Saturday night after he got home, we took the kids to a little carnival in which they rode two rides because of the height restrictions. Then went to Johnny Rockets for dinner- in one word-yum! Sunday morning I slept in until 8:30! Yay! The boys gave me their cards and I relaxed with them this morning. I then got a wonderful present of going to the beach ALL BY MYSELF! Keith took care of the kids and I went to Little Hickory Island in Bonita Springs. The weather was perfect, the water was perfect, there wasn't a cloud in the sky! I got home, Keith made dinner, and he did the dishes! The day just got better!!!! We put the kids to bed and topped off the night with Dairy Queen!!! Again-yum! Thanks, Keith for an amazing day-I'm so proud to be your wife and you kids' mommy-they are the greatest gift of all! Hope you all had a great day!