Wednesday, June 24, 2009

jon and kate plus 8 Pictures, Images and Photos

We all know marriage is tough, but I really think they could have tried harder and ended the show. Forget "reality show curse", that's B.S. I haven't been married for 25 or 50 years and I don't know the Gosselins, but I'm really sad for those kids...really sad.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

The boys woke up at 6:15 this morning and with that started Father's Day! Big shout out to Keith for being a wonderful dad to our boys. Even though they spend the day with me, as soon as they hear daddy walk in the door they jump and yell for him! So excited! It's really a joy to see!
This father's day was very relaxing...until Dinner. My dad called earlier and asked if we wanted to meet up for dinner at Longhorns. Sounds great, thanks for the invite. Well, we get there and the boys will NOT sit still! Between Keith, me, my dad and step-mom we did not sit still until our table was called. Then we gave them crackers, crayons, anything to keep them quiet! And to make matters worse, it was hot!!!! The air was on fully (so they say) but it was really sweltering! Anyway, the chicken tenders finally arrived and all was right with the world. Next year will be better, my sweet husband, I guarentee it! Happy Father's Day! We love you!!

Happy 3rd Birthday, Boys!

Better late than never! Last weekend we had a blast with my mom, brother and his fiance in town. We enjoyed a nice day at the beach on Friday, Saturday, I went and found my bridesmaids dress at David's bridal for my brothers wedding ($40.00, thank you very much!) and Sunday was the birthday party!

Seriously, how can the days drag on forever, yet the years fly!!! My boys turned 3 and are the most amazing, crazy little people you have ever laid your eyes on! They are so smart, caring, and loving! I love that they are so easy to pick up on different emotions and ask if you are ok. I also love that they are willing to help around the house. Evan loves to sweep and use the dustpan and Aidan loves to clean the lint trap from the dryer. Every day they seem to amaze me with the things they say. For example: When I took out the potty, Evan looked at me and said "oh, this is the big time"...I called Keith immediately! Too cute! Aidan is still struggling with his speech but like I said learning new words every day! They had their physical on Friday and were very healthy. Evan is weighing in at 30 lbs even and Aidan is 28. I'm not sure of the percentiles for weight but for their height I know they were in the 50th percentile.
They really enjoyed having company over and loved visiting with their Grammy, Uncle Joe-Joe, and soon-to-be Aunt Sara. The weekend flew by but not without a birthday party for our little guys!
On Sunday, we celebrated with some family and some MOPS friends. We really had a great time with everyone even though it was excruciatingly hot! Poor Keith ran the grill in 90 degree weather, the burgers and hot dogs were very good, babe!! Thanks! Almost everyone took a dip in the pool and cooled off. It was a perfectly sunny day and to the best of my knowledge everyone seemed to have a good time! Thanks to everyone who participated! Here are some pictures!

Monday, June 1, 2009

6 years

On some days it feels like yesterday that we got married, others it feels like a lifetime. I'm sure you can all relate. Yesterday was our 6 year anniversary and all day long we were saying stuff like "right now, we would have been getting to the church", etc. When I think back over the past 6 years it really has been a rollercoaster. We had some wonderful years filled with the happiest of times, and some of the worst years you could possibly imagine. All in all in those worst years, we were very fortunate to have memorable good times as well. Weddings, births, birthdays, anniversaries-a true celebration of life. I'm so thankful for the life of love I have, and I'm thankful for the love of my life.