Monday, May 25, 2009

Miss you already....

Keith and his father with our boys-Christmas 2007

I wish I had better news to share, but we have lost one of the most wonderful men I have ever been honored to know-Keith's father, my father-in-law and the grandfather to my children. He's was in hospice for about a week, and they said that he wasn't going to make it through the day last Thursday. He was called home to Heaven on Friday, May 22, 2009 at 3:45 am. If I could tell you how much this man meant to us all, it would still be an understatement. He was a wonderful father and husband, a generous and funny friend, and an adored grandfather. We only wish our children could have grown to know him better, but with them being so young and us living so far away, it wasn't meant to be. He'd been sick for 11 years with a condition called scleroderma. To learn more about it, please visit

Stan, I want to say thank you from the bottom of our heart for making our family a wonderful one. You were strong beyond any measure and we love you just as much if not more than that. Rest In Peace, Dad, and God Bless you now and always.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

This whole weekend was great, except for the fact that Keith had to work on Saturday. But Saturday night after he got home, we took the kids to a little carnival in which they rode two rides because of the height restrictions. Then went to Johnny Rockets for dinner- in one word-yum! Sunday morning I slept in until 8:30! Yay! The boys gave me their cards and I relaxed with them this morning. I then got a wonderful present of going to the beach ALL BY MYSELF! Keith took care of the kids and I went to Little Hickory Island in Bonita Springs. The weather was perfect, the water was perfect, there wasn't a cloud in the sky! I got home, Keith made dinner, and he did the dishes! The day just got better!!!! We put the kids to bed and topped off the night with Dairy Queen!!! Again-yum! Thanks, Keith for an amazing day-I'm so proud to be your wife and you kids' mommy-they are the greatest gift of all! Hope you all had a great day!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Being honest...

So today I thought of something I could post and share with you all. Before kids I was a spender...a big spender. Keith and I had a great life (not that we don't now) where we could go shopping at fancy big name stores at the drop of a hat. I bought clothes, shoes, scarves, bathing suits, etc...and never blinked an eye. Before we moved to Florida I worked at a law firm in Philadelphia and for some reason, I always wanted to impress and be taken seriously. My age was a big factor because I was the baby of the group and I felt like no one took me seriously. So I started to spend big at big stores and before I knew it I was spending money where I was almost not making enough to cover the minimum on my credit cards.

Now it seems that I have been paying for it ten fold. I buy mostly generic and never shop for clothes for myself unless its a special occassion. The only shopping I do now is grocery shopping and you know what? When I look at my closet, yes, I have an amazing assortment of stuff but that's all it is-stuff. After you start to grow up you realize that people are going to take you for what you are not what you wear.

For some reason I had to share this, I guess its more of a diary entry than a blog or the fact that I'm almost thirty and realized how far I've come...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Hi-Wanted to let you all know that I've decided to start selling Avon. Well, Avon products seem to sell themselves, I just help you get them! Anyway, if you're looking for a gift for someone else or yourself contact me through my website: