Thursday, August 28, 2008

"Eight is Enough!"

I have to start out by saying that I was called home to my husband and my children from work and the kids are sick and not sleeping well tonight. We tried the humidifier, Vicks, the bulb siringe (sp) for the nose, my poor babies, we tried everything. So if they don't start to feel better, I'm going to have to bring them to the doctors. Please pray they start to feel better!

On another note, I have always had an interest in politics. I remember going into
11th Grade and watching Hillary Clinton speak of family values when Bill Clinton was running for his second term. Even then I considered myself a Democrat even though I was too young to vote. She spoke for women around the country and for the first time because of that, I took an interest politics.

Now, a new chapter in the USA. I'm so excited about this nomination for BARACK OBAMA!!! What a historic speech. I have never felt so great about a leader for our country. Not only does the man have my vote he has my heart as well. Congrats OBAMA! You are truly history in the making!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Night at the beach...

Hello! Tonight we decided to take a drive down to the beach and we had so much fun! The weather was beautiful and the water was nice and cool. Here are some pictures from our wonderful night!

Friday, August 15, 2008

What is Philly without the pretzels?

Ok, this is pretty crazy but as a native Philadelphian, I had to have my say on this.
Last night, I ran into a guy from Philly at Publix and somehow we got into talking about street pretzel vendors. THEY NO LONGER EXIST! I was like WHY???? He said because they thought they were dirty. When I told Keith he was like whats next no hot dog vendors in NY? I'm all for cleanliness (trust me, my OCD is terrible, Keith can testify to that because of the amounts of times I wash my hands a day), but no pretzels???????? What is the world coming to? LOL!!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Need Some ZZZZ's

So here I am in the middle of the night yet again...I have not been able to fall asleep earlier than 1:oo am due to what I think is my work schedule. ( I get off work at 11:30) . Even though I am tired, I can't sleep. Anyway, the boys are doing great...happy little hams that they are. They keep us laughing all day long. Evan has started saying bye bye to everything and it is really cute. Aidan has definitely shown some more interest in speaking too, and I am so proud of both of them. Can you tell I am a proud mommy? Keith is doing well, but his Dad on the other hand is not. Keith is so worried about him. He has developed pneumonia and even though he sounds good on the phone, he is completely exhausted (Keith's parents live in NJ). Please keep Keith's family in your prayers, they really need all the strength from God they can get.
Well, that's about it. Hope you're all having a good week so far and we'll be in touch soon!

Monday, August 4, 2008

In one word...Family

This past weekend was really nice. Keith and I both had off from work both Saturday AND Sunday. We really enjoyed being together with the kids and reconnecting as a family. We went to the pool Saturday morning and had a great time. The boys are so adventurous, they climb the stairs and go down the slide in the pool all by themselves now. Saturday night we enjoyed a nice dinner at Stevie Tomatoes. Sunday I wasn't feeling all that great and slept a lot that day. We did go to the library later on and then had dinner at home and relaxed. Even though we didn't do much, it was still nice to be together-I can't remember the last time we had both days off like that. For those of you who aren't familiar with working in the car business, its really hell, especially now, with the economy being the way that it is. You can never tell what's going to happen next. I'm sure a lot of industries are like that, but I knew what I was marrying into and realize the hours and money are unstable. I grew up with it because my Dad was in the business too and he worked CONSTANTLY. (And no, Dad, I don't resent it, you did what you had to do).

I will add this though when you finally get some time like we had this past weekend, it really makes you grateful for the time we have. So that my friends is where we stand right now. That's the only thing on my mind. I'll write soon when something new comes to you soon!