Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

The boys woke up at 6:15 this morning and with that started Father's Day! Big shout out to Keith for being a wonderful dad to our boys. Even though they spend the day with me, as soon as they hear daddy walk in the door they jump and yell for him! So excited! It's really a joy to see!
This father's day was very relaxing...until Dinner. My dad called earlier and asked if we wanted to meet up for dinner at Longhorns. Sounds great, thanks for the invite. Well, we get there and the boys will NOT sit still! Between Keith, me, my dad and step-mom we did not sit still until our table was called. Then we gave them crackers, crayons, anything to keep them quiet! And to make matters worse, it was hot!!!! The air was on fully (so they say) but it was really sweltering! Anyway, the chicken tenders finally arrived and all was right with the world. Next year will be better, my sweet husband, I guarentee it! Happy Father's Day! We love you!!