Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Say hello to my little (new) friend, the treadmill...

Hello...So some time ago I was watching John and Kate plus 8 and heard Kate use the phrase "butt in the front" about her stomach. Now, I do not have 8 children but I can relate to the butt in the front comment. So instead of sitting on my butt I have been going to the gym in our community here and working out like crazy. The first night I was only able to do 1 mile (power walk) and could only do a half hour on the treadmill. Tonight on the other hand I was on it for an hour and did 3 miles and burned over 300 calories. I don't really worry about the calories because for me that's like 2 cookies. And I love cookies. If you saw my butt you'd know that. Anyway, onto the butt in the front, I know its not going to go away completely but I have to tell you I feel so much better after I do work out. What a great tension buster!
The boys are doing great, they are getting astronomically big and smarter everyday. Being two, they love to push my buttons but overall they are great kids. Next weekend we are going to Tampa to visit my uncle and cousins for the weekend then we are going to meet up with Keith's brother Scott and his wife Megan for dinner or something in Ft. Lauderdale (they are down from PA). It will be great to see everyone. So, I'll be sure to add some pictures as soon as we get back. Talk to you then!